Thursday, March 4, 2010


Microworkers is another way to make money online.  It is a service that provides a meeting point between people who need errands to be done and people who want to get paid to do errands in the internet.

There are many types of errands available in the Microworkers.  The more complex the errands the more they paid.  The smallest payment is $ 0.10, which mostly asks to buzz or digg an article, or signing up to PTC or email services.   And the highest payment usually ask the workers to write a short article that ranged from $ 0.50 for a 50 words articles to $ 1.00 to $ 1.50 for a 275 to 350 words article.  There are still many other types of errands, some of them need the worker to have their own blog with certain reputation.

You can ask your payment when you reach the minimum of $ 9.00 in your balance.  To request your first payment, Microworkers will need to verify your address.  They do this by sending a PIN code by mail to your address.  You will need to enter the PIN to order your first payment to be processed.

In my personal experience, I reached the first $ 9.00 less than a month period, which is a lot faster than what I got from PTC.  I received my PIN by mail almost a month after I request my first payment.   In that waiting period, I have already accumulated more than twice of that initial payment in my Microworkers account.  This is the reason why now I am giving more attention Microworkers than PTC.

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